Why we go
In one month, 22 of our brethren will be traveling to Jamaica to share the Gospel. In a recent assignment, each team member was asked to explain in one paragraph why they want to join this missionary trip. In their own words, here are but a few of the reasons we go:
“my first year I was excited to see what evangelism looked like on this scale. I am more excited than ever to take an opportunity like this to continue to grow.”
“I want to go to Jamaica because I want to strengthen my evangelistic skills, strengthen my faith in Christ, and be with members of the Lord’s church.”
“It’s about being intentional and putting Him at the forefront of my life and using whatever abilities I have to serve him.”
“In the long run, I believe the experiences I face over in Jamaica will help me be more confident and open to talking about God with others here in America.”
“I have a great love and excitement for the work of evangelism, and I look forward to every opportunity that I get to learn about and practice it.”
“I want to go to Jamaica because I feel that this process helps push me out of my comfort zone to do things I normally wouldn’t do.”
“I was allowed to go two years ago, and it helped to face and sharpen some of my deepest fears of walking up to strangers and sharing the gospel with them.”
“I want to see my Jamaican family again. We are o close to so many people there.”
“I want to go to Jamaica because it may be my last opportunity.”
As you can see, the reasons are as wide and varied as the team. What you did not see is that every single paragraph included one common theme. “I want to share the Gospel.” I hope you are proud of this team!
If you are interested in helping support students, please consider making checks out to University Church of Christ with “Mission Trip” or a specific student’s name in the notes. Checks can be placed in the McCarty mailbox in the foyer. Venmo is also available. Reach out to Josh Moore for details with this link.
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